Large programs
Large programs 2024-2026 (PI; Title; (instrument))
Arcidiacono C.; Detriti spaziali e sostenibilità delle attività spaziali a lungo-termine; (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Bedin L.; The Asiago Pathfinder for HARPS-N; (Schmidt)
Claudi R.; Activity indicators and rotation periods for a sample of Ariel targets; (ECH)
Iijima T.; Spectroscopic variations of symbiotic stars; (ECH)
Impiombato D.; BVugri Observations of Blazars in the MAGIC fields; (Schmidt)
Lazzarin M.; Spectrophotometric investigation of Near Earth Objects and comets; (AFOSC)
Marziani P.; Reverberation mapping of low-z Population B quasars; (AFOSC)
Mazzotta-Epifani E.; Comets beyond 4 au; (AFOSC)
Montalto M.; transiting planetary candidates; (ECH)
Munari U. ; Studio di Novae, Simbiotiche e binarie interagenti; (ECH+Schmidt)
Nardiello D.; The Asiago follow-up of YVO in the GAPS3; (Schmidt)
Nascimbeni V. ; The TASTE project; (AFOSC)
Perko M.; Confirming the nature of symbiotic stars by means of flickering; (Schmidt)
Reguitti A.; Monitoring peculiar stellar transients with the Asiago telescopes; (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Siviero A.; Mira stars monitoring; (ECH)
Tomasella L.; optical counterparts of GW triggers in O4 (override program); (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Traven G.; Young and binary stars; (ECH)
Zampieri L.; Fast photon counting optical astronomy; (AQUEYE+)
Educational runs:
Pizzella A.; NEON School
Casetti L.; Hands-on learning: optical imaging and spectroscopy of spiral galaxies performed by students
Iafrate G.; Master class with MINCE
Large programs 2022-2024 (PI; Title; (instrument))
Claudi R. Activity and rotational period of Ariel stars (ECH)
Siviero A. Mira monitoring (ECH)
Munari U. Novae monitoring (ECH+Schmidt)
Montalto M. Plato stars with exoplanets (ECH)
Kos J. Chemistry of stars (ECH)
Iijima T. Symbiotic stars (ECH)
Mancini L. EDEN transiting earth (AFOSC)
Tomasella L. GW/GRB spectroscopic followup (override program) (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Ciroi S. AGN polarisation map (AFOSC)
Nascimbeni V. TASTE TTV (AFOSC)
Salmaso I. Supernovae classification and monitoring (AFOSC)
Mazzotta-Epifani E. Comets (AFOSC)
Lazzarin M. Neorocks (AFOSC)
Marziani P. AGN reverberation map (AFOSC)
Zampieri L. Pulsar timing/FRB (AQUEYE+)
Nesci R. BIS131 (Schmidt)
Nardiello D. YOs transits (Schmidt)
Reguitti A. ILOTs (Schmidt)
Perko M. Symbiotics (Schmidt)
Bedin L. Exoplanets in YOC (Schmidt)
Zaggia S. variables in GCs (Schmidt)
Large programs 2020-2020 (PI; Title)
Siviero A. Mira monitoring (ECH)
Munari U. Novae monitoring (ECH+Schmidt)
Kos J. Chemistry of stars (ECH)
Iijima T. Symbiotic stars (ECH)
Reguitti A. ILOTs (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Ciroi S. AGN polarisation map (AFOSC)
Nascimbeni V. TASTE TTV (AFOSC)
Tomasella L. Supernovae classification and monitoring (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Fornasier S. Asteroids (AFOSC)
Marziani P. AGN reverberation map (AFOSC)
Zampieri L. Pulsar timing/FRB (AQUEYE+)
Iafrate G. dark nebulae (Schmidt)
Montalto M. subgiants stars (Schmidt)
Nardiello D. YOs transits (Schmidt)
Bedin L. Exoplanets in YOC (Schmidt)
Giovanardi C. Deep multi-band imaging of M33 (Schmidt)
Zampieri L. Pulsar timing (AQUEYE+)
Frassetto (CNR) test on sky with a proprietary instrument
Large programs 2018-2020 (PI; Title)
Tomasella L. transients classification in the multi-messenger era (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Bedin L. The Asiago pathfinder for HARPS-N (Schmidt)
Giovanardi C. Deep multi-band imaging of M33 (Schmidt)
Siviero A. Mira stars (ECH)
Nascimbeni V. The TASTE project (AFOSC)
Pastorello A. ILOTs (AFOSC)
Ciroi S. educational activity with Schmidt (Schmidt)
Zwitter T. the second data release with GAIA (ECH)
Pizzella A. Education: NEON School (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Iijima T. Symbiotics (ECH)
Munari U. Novae monitoring (ECH)
Marziani P. AGN reverberation map (AFOSC)
Zampieri L. Pulsar timing (AQUEYE+)
Large programs 2016-2018 (PI; Title)
Munari U. Novae monitoring (ECH)
Pastorello A. & Tomasella L. SNe & ILOTs (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Bedin L. The Asiago pathfinder for HARPS-N (Schmidt)
Siviero A. Mira stars (ECH)
Nascimbeni V. The TASTE project (AFOSC)
Ciroi S. educational activity with Schmidt (Schmidt)
Zwitter T. the second data release with GAIA (ECH)
Iijima T. Symbiotics (ECH)
Raddi R. WEAVE-ing: white dwarfs in the galactic plane (AFOSC)
Zampieri L. Pulsar timing (AQUEYE+)
Large programs 2014-2016 (PI; Title)
Munari U. Novae monitoring (ECH)
Pastorello A. classification and followup of SNe and transients (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Tomasella L. Validation of the transient alerts from Gaia (AFOSC)
Bedin L. The Asiago pathfinder for HARPS-N (Schmidt)
Siviero A. Mira stars (ECH)
Ciroi S. multi-wavelength observations of AGN (AFOSC)
Ciroi S. educational activity with Schmidt (Schmidt)
Bohem C. educational activity with students of university of TS (Schmidt)
Di Mille F. classification and followup of extragalactic novae (AFOSC)
Migliorini A. spectroscopic investigation of Venus' atmosphere (AFOSC)
Piotto G. ricerca e caratterizzazione di pianeti extrasolari di piccola massa (AFOSC)
Silvotti R. transits in SdB stars (Schmidt)
Zaggia S. Asterosismologic Monitoring of Candidate Metal Poor Stars (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Zwitter T. the second data release with GAIA (ECH)
Iijima T. Symbiotics (ECH)
Zampieri L. Timing ottico della Crab pulsar (AQUEYE+)
Large programs 2012-2014 (PI; Title)
Munari U. Binarity and variability of stars (ECH)
Iijima T. Symbiotics (ECH)
Zwitter T. DIBs survey (ECH)
Zwitter T. chromospheric emission of stars from RAVE survey (ECH)
Angeloni R. Asiago-Canarie variabile stars program (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Pastorello A. classification and followup of SNe and transients (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Piotto G. ricerca e caratterizzazione di pianeti extrasolari di piccola massa (AFOSC)
Zaggia S. Asterosismologic Monitoring of Candidate Metal Poor Stars (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Pizzella A. Education: NEON School (AFOSC+Schmidt)
Bedin L. The Asiago pathfinder for HARPS-N (Schmidt)
Tomasella L. education and outreach with telescopes (AFOSC+ECH+Schmidt)
Zampieri L. monitoraggio della Crab Pulsar (AQUEYE)
Period 2008B (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Cakirli O. Fundamental parameters of very low-mass eclipsing binaries
Ciroi S. Spectroscopic Follow-up of Ionization Cones in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
Claudi R. Asterosismologia di stelle subnane B pulsanti
D'Onofrio M. Very fast Photometry with AquEYE
Giro E. Linear polarimetric imaging of interacting and merging objects
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Munari U. Survey ARCS e spettroscopia di supporto alla survey RAVE
Pizzella A. The outer dark matter distribution in giant spirals
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Uslenghi M. High time resolution spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions in FU Orion objects
Zwitter T. Verification of binarity in RAVE spectroscopic survey
Period 2008A (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Ciroi S. Spectroscopic Follow-up of Ionization Cones in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
Claudi R. Asterosismologia di stelle subnane B pulsanti
Claudi R. Photometric follow up of transiting planet HD17156b
D'Onofrio M. Very fast Photometry with AquEYE
Giro E. Linear polarimetric imaging of interacting and merging objects
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Marchi S. Studio delle curve di luce di transito dei pianeti extrasolari
Munari U. Spettroscopia di supporto alla survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall'UKSchmidt
Navasardyan H. Influence of the metallicity on the core-collapse SN properties
Tamburini F. Photometric analysis of the old nova RW UMi
Temporin S. Investigating the starburst fuelling processes in cD galaxies
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Uslenghi M. High time resolution spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD
Vittone A. Definizione della striscia di instabilita per le stelle nane brune giovani
Zwitter T. Verification of binarity in RAVE spectroscopic survey
Period 2007B (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianchini A. The eclipses of the H-alpha profile of the old-nova DQ Her
Corradi R. Optical characterization spectroscopy and BV photometry of IPHAS counterparts
Cracco V. Searching for Ionization Cones in Nearby Seyfert 2 Galaxies
Decarli R. Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies
D'Onofrio M. Very fast Photometry with AquEYE
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Melikyan N. Spectral and photometric study of T Tau type stars and related objects
Munari U. Spettroscopia di supporto alla survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall'UKSchmidt
NEON-School Training observations for NEON School
Scuderi S. Winds in B Super giants
Tamburini F. Photometric analysis of the old nova RW UMi
Temporin S. Investigating the starburst fuelling processes in cD galaxies
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Tomasella L. Disentangling multi-mode delta Sct pulsations in the eclipsing binary V994 Her
Uslenghi M. High time resolution spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD
Villanova S. Membership and kinematics of the old open cluster Skiff 1
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Yegorova I. The outer dark matter distribution in giant spirals
Period 2007A (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Corradi R. Optical characterization spectroscopy and BV photometry of IPHAS counterparts
Decarli R. Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies
Gomboc A. Time variability and early main sequence evolution in young open clusters.
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Munari U. Spettroscopia di supporto alla survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall'UKSchmidt
Scuderi S. Winds in B Super giants
Steinmetz M. Age metallicity relation and star formation history from subgiants
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Uslenghi M. Hight-Speed Optical Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD: V2069 Cyg
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Yegorova I. The outer dark matter distribution in giant spirals
Zwitter T. Absolute Dimensions, Temperatures and Evolution of Klate-Type Spectroscopic Eclipsing Binaries
Period 2006B (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianchini A. Photometric analysis of the old nova RW Umi
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Munari U. Spettroscopia di binarie ad eclisse per la phase-B/C di GAIA e calibrazione della survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall' UK Schmidt vedi modulo
Nesci R. Multiband photometry of very red BL Lacs
Nesci R. Follow-up di sorgenti FBS molto rosse nell'alone galattico
Rossi C. Spectrophotometric study of the atmospheric envelopes of B-emission stars
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions in FU Orion objects
Zwitter T. Time variability and early main sequence evolution in young open cluster
Period 2006A (PI; Title)
Buson L. The stellar content of the dwarf elliptical M32
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Epifani E. Dust activity of short period comets at great heliocentric distance
Giro E. Arrossamento differenziale in NGC 1893 tramite polarimetria
Giro E. La struttura dei campi magnetici nelle galassie segue I flussi di gas? Polarimetria lineare di Galassie a spirale interagenti
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Labita M. Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.
Munari U. Spettroscopia di binarie ad eclisse per la phase-B/C di GAIA e calibrazione della survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall' UK Schmidt vedi modulo
Nesci R. Fotometria multibanda di oggetti VLBT
Romano A. Starburst signs identification in nearby Seyfert nuclei
Temporin S. pectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. Hight-Speed Optical Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD: V2069 Cyg
Villanova S. Echelle spectroscopy of stars in evaporating Open Clusters
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Vittone A. Definizione della striscia di instabilita' per le stelle nane brune giovani
Yegorova I. Probing dark matter halos of spiral galaxies through satellites kinematics
Yegorova I. The outer dark matter distribution in giant spirals
Zwitter T. Hight-res spectra of asteroids: use for velocity standards and more
Period 2005B (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Botte V. Measuring stellar velocity dispersion in Narrow Line Seyfert 1
Buson L. The stellar content of the dwarf elliptical M32
Casasola V. Galassie vicine come laboratori per lo studio del gas interstellare
Claudi R. Monitoraggio della attivita' cromosferica del campione della Survey di ricerca dei pianeti del SARG
Covino Monitoring of young low-mass spectroscopic system
Epifani E. Pre-impact and impact characterisation of the short period comet 9/P templel 1 target of the NASA Deep Impact mission
Mendez J. Constrainning dark matter in the inner regions of weakly-barred galaxies
Munari U. Spettroscopia di binarie ad eclisse per la phase-B/C di GAIA e calibrazione della survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall' UK Schmidt vedi modulo
Nesci R. Follow-up di un campione di Blazar osservati da Swift
Perinotto M. Mass Loss from central stars of planetary nebulae
Romano A. Starburst signs identification in nearby Seyfert nuclei
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. Hight-Speed Optical Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD: V2069 Cyg
Villanova S. AFOSC low and medium resolution spectrscopy in poorly studied Open Cluster
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Zwitter T. Hight-res spectra of asteroids: use for velocity standards and more
Period 2005A (PI; Title)
Barbieri C. Hight resolution spectra of HD 108 star
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Buson L. The stellar content of the dwarf elliptical M32
Carraro G. Echelle spectroscopy of star in evaporating Open Cluster
Desidera S. Monitoraggio della attivita' cromosferica del campione della Survey di ricerca dei pianeti del SARG
Epifani E. Dust and gas coma of the new comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)
Giro E. Il campo magnetico segue I flussi di gas? Polarimetria di galassie a spirale interagenti
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Munari U. Spettroscopia di binarie ad eclisse per la phase-B/C di GAIA e calibrazione della survey RAVE in corso con il 6dF dall' UK Schmidt vedi modulo
Pizzella A. A Searc for decoupled components in galaxies
Romano A. Starburst signs identification in nearby Seyfert nuclei
Sakamoto T. Determination of the precessing rate of the Galatic warp
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. Hight-Speed Optical Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD
Viotti R. Spectrophotometric study of GR290 in M33 and its surrounding region
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Weinberger Spectroscopy of four new Galactic nebulae
Zwitter T. Asteroids as wavelength calibration standards for the gaia mission spectrograph
Zwitter T. Absolute dimension temperatures and distances for late-type spectroscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2004B (PI; Title)
Baume G. Comparative Study of Open Cluster
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianchini A. Orbital variability of the H-alphe emission in the old DQ Her
Botte V. Stellar velocity dispersion in Narrow Line Seyfert 1
Buson L. The stellar content of the dwarf elliptical M32 through the near-ir gaia waveband
Coccato L. A Search for Inner Polar Disks
Della Valle A. Connessione tra galassie SB0 e boxy bulges
Giro E. La struttura dei campi magnetici nelle galassie segue I flussi di gas? Polarimetria lineare di Galassie a spirale interagenti.
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Machalski J. Investigation of giant radio galaxies
Mikolajewski M. Extremely long-period eclipsing binaries
Munari U. Polarimetria degli ejecta di novae risolte (coordinata USNO)
Munari U. Spettroscopia per la phase-B1 di GAIA
Romano A. Starburst signs identification in nearby Seyfert nuclei
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. High-Speed Optical photometry of the Cataclismic Variable RX j0153.3+7446 with a photon Counting ICCD
Viotti R. Coordinated XMM and optical observations of AG Dra
Vittone A. Search for low mass companions and/or hot jupiters in FU Orion objects
Weinberger R. Spectroscopy of new highly collimated gigantic bipolar dust jets
Zamanov R. Rapid variability of accreting white dwarfs
Zwitter T. Asteroids as wavelength calibration standards for the gaia mission spectrograph
Zwitter T. Absolute dimension temperatures and distances for late-type spectroscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2004A (PI; Title)
Baume G. Comparative Study of Open Cluster
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianchini A. Search for sub-obital photometric periods in the old nova RW Umi
Botte V. Stellar velocity dispersion in Narrow Line Seyfert 1
Carraro G. Echelle spetroscopy of star open cluster remnants
Coccato L. A Search for Inner Polar Disks
Della Valle A. Connessione tra galassie SB0 e boxy bulges
Desidera S. Polarimetria e spettroscopia delle stelle lungo la linea di vista di V838 Monocerotis
Di Mille F. Testing the AGN unified model
Fornasier S. Indagine Spettrofotometrica e polarimetricadei nuovi potenziali candidati della missione rosetta
Marziani P. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Nesci R. Follow-up di candidati BL-Lac radio quieti
Ortolani S. Ricerca polarimetrica di dischi di polvere attorno a stelle G-K
Paunzen E. Photometric Study of Young Open Cluster
Sabbadin F. 3-D ionization structure of supernova remnants and nova shells
Sbarufatti B. A searc for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Trevese D. La massa dei quasar di redshift medio-alto
Uslenghi M. High-Speed Optical photometry of the Cataclismic Variable RX j0153.3+7446 with a photon Counting ICCD
Zamanov R. Rapid variability of accreting white dwarfs
Period 2003B (PI; Title)
Baume G. Comparative Study of Open Cluster
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianco A. MOS con maschere fotocormiche per AFOSC
Boschetti C.S. Testing the AGN unified model
Botte V. Stellar velocity dispersion in Narrow Line Seyfert 1
Carraro G. Echelle spetroscopy of star open cluster remnants
Coccato L. A Search for Inner Polar Disks
Della Valle A. Connessione tra galassie SB0 e boxy bulges
Falomo R. A search for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Marziani P. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Mikolajewski M. EE Cep eclipse 2003 - the puzzle of the eclipsing body
Munari U. Spettroscopia per la phase-B di GAIA
Ortolani S. Ricerca polarimetrica di dischi di polvere attorno a stelle G-K
Pizzella A. Measurements in Disk Galaxies
Szabo Gy. Monitoring of inner comae near perihelion
Tamburini F. Photometric analysis of the old nova RW UMi
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. High-Speed Optical photometry of the Cataclismic Variable RX j0153.3+7446 with a photon Counting ICCD
Zwitter T. Absolute dimensions, temperatures and distances for late-type spectroscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2003A (PI; Title)
Baume G. Comparative Study of Open Cluster
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Boschetti C.S. Testing the AGN unified model
Carraro G. UBVI Photometry of doubtful open cluster
Carraro G. Searching for open cluster remnants
Ciroi S. The Mbh-Mbulge Relation in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Coccato L. A Search for Inner Polar Disks
Della Valle A. Connessione tra galassie SB0 e boxy bulges
Desidera S. Polarimetria e spettroscopia delle stelle lungo la linea di vista in V838 Monocerotis
D'Onofrio M. Testing the universality of the FP relation
Fornasier S. Osservazione fotometrica e polarimetrica di 140 Siwa, target della missione spaziale rosetta
Giro E. Spectropolarimetric variability of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Kiss L.L. Doppler-tomography of selected cataclysmic variable stars
Marrese P. Classification of symbiotic stars' cool component from Call triplet spectral region
Mikolajewski M. Raman scattering in balmer emission lines of symbiotic-like system
Moretti Spettrofotomeria di ammassi stellari brillanti in M33
Munari U. Spettroscopia per RAVE e per l'RVS-Consortium di GAIA
Nesci R. Follow-up di candidati BL-Lac radio quieti
Ortolani S. Ricerca polarimetrica di dischi di polvere attorno a stelle G-K
Sabbadin F. The 3-d ionizatio structure of the crab nebula
Temporin S. Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate galaxy groups in the ZoA
Uslenghi M. High-Speed Optical photometry of the Cataclismic Variable RX j0153.3+7446 with a photon Counting ICCD
Zamanov R. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Zwitter T. Accurate stellar parameters from twelve late-type hipparcos spectroscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2002B (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bianchini A. Time resolved medium resolution spetroscopy of DQ Her: eclipses of Halpha profile
Boschetti C.S. Testing the AGN unified model
Carraro G. UBVI Photometry of doubtful open cluster
Carraro G. Spectral classification and radial velocities of stars in Collinder 21 and NGC 5385
Ciroi S. The Mbh-Mbulge Relation in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Coccato L. Seeking for minor axis velocity gradients of the gaseous component in nearby galaxies
Della Valle A. Connessione tra galassie SB0 e boxy bulges
Della Valle A. Fotometria e redshifts delle galassie della survey iras profonda
Groemer G.E. Reddening studies of overlapping galaxy pairs II
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Leone F. Halpa Spectropolarimetry of vety young Planetary Nebulae
Marziani P. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Mikolajewski M. Raman scattering in balmer emission lines of symbiotic-like system
Moretti A. Spettrofotomeria di ammassi stellari brillanti in M33
Munari U. Spettroscopia per la phase-B di GAIA
Niedzielski A. Near-infrared survey of Wolf-Rayet stars
Ortolani S. Ricerca polarimetrica di dischi di polvere attorno a stelle G-K
Piotto G. Search for Planetary Transit in the Rich Open Cluster NGC 6791
Temporin S. Long-slit spectroscopy of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Uslenghi M. High time resolution spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables with a PC-ICCD
Zamanov R. Relation between BAL QSO and AGN general population
Zwitter T. Accurate stellar parameters from late-type hipparcos spectrscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2002A (PI; Title)
Benetti S. Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae
Bettoni D. Caratteristiche Morfologiche e Cinematiche di Galassie in gruppi compatti
Bianchini A. Searching for polarimetric Changes in Intermediate Polars Cataclysmic Variables
Boschetti C.S. Testing the AGN unified model
Carangelo N. Quasar masses from emission line widths
Carraro G. UBVI Photometry of doubtful open cluster
Cremonese G. Light curves of the outer Jupiter satellites
Falomo R. A search for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Fornasier S. Osservazione fotometrica e polarimetrica di 140 Siwa, target della missione spaziale rosetta
Groemer G.E. Reddening studies of overlapping galaxy pairs II
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Israel G.L. Photometry of RX J0806.3+1527 in support of simultaneous Chandra X-ray observation
Lazzarin M. Ricerca di alterazione acquosa su asteroidi Troiani
Marziani P. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Michelsen R. Spectroscopy of Trojan and Near-Earth Asteroids
Mikolajewski M. Raman scattering in Balmer emission lines of symbiotic-like system
Munari U. Spettroscopia per la phase-B di GAIA
Ortolani S. Ricerca polarimetrica di dischi di polvere attorno a stelle G-K
Pizzella A. Mesasurement in Disk Galaxies
Temporin S. Long-slit spectroscopy of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Treves A. Optical Polarimetry of selected Blazars
Uslenghi M. Performances evalution of a photon counting ICCD for spatial resolved fast photometry
Zamanov R. Relation between BAL QSO and AGN general population
Zwitter T. Accurate stellar parameters from late-type hipparcos spectrscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2001B (PI; Title)
Battinelli P. Calibration of three CFH12K fields in the M31 and NGC 205
Bettoni D. Fotometria e redshifts delle galassie della survey iras profonda
Bianchini A. Searching for rapid polarimetric Changes in Cataclysmic Variables
Carangelo N. Quasar masses from emission line widths
Carraro G. UBVI Photometry of doubtful open cluster
Falomo R. A search for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Hassan H. Esenoglu Polarimetric study of intermediate polars
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche e le novae
Lazzarin M. Spettroscopic investigation of near earth objects and target of Opportunity proposal
Marziani P. Search for rapid variations in "Narrow Line" seyfert 1 galaxies
Mikolajewski M. Raman scattering in Balmer emission lines of symbiotic-like system
Munari U. Spettroscopia in preparazione a GAIA e supporto DIVA
Pastorello A. Understanding Nearby Supernovae
Pernechele C. Broad Band Visible Polarimetry of (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Pizzella A. Mesasurement in Disk Galaxies
Salvato M. Identification of faint companions of X-ray selected AGNs
Temporin S. Long-slit spectroscopy of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Treves A. Optical Polarimetry of selected Blazars
Zamanov R. Relation between BAL QSO and AGN general population
Zwitter T. Accurate stellar parameters from late-type hipparcos spectrscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2001A (PI; Title)
Bettoni D. Survey cinematica di galassie spirale isolate
Bianchini A. Testing the Polarimeter and searching for polarimetric changes in cataclysmic variables
Cappellaro E. Understanding nearby supernovae
Cremonese G. Light curves of the outer Jupiter satellites
Falomo R. A search for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Hassan H.Esenoglu Study of spectral evolution and expansion parallax of novae and orbital period and activity phase of dwarf novae
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche, novae, ed altri oggetti relativi
Lazzarin M. Spettroscopic investigation of near earth objects and target of Opportunity proposal
Munari U. Binarie interagenti (simbiotiche,cataclismiche,super-soft x-ray sources, propellers)
Munari U. Spettroscopia in alta risoluzione per GAIA missione Cornestone dell'ESA
Munari U. La regione di formazione stellare attorno a LW Cas
Neguerela L. A pre-main-sequence stellar population in the young open cluster NGC 1893
Pernechele C. Broad Band Visible Polarimetry of (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Pizzella A. Mesasurement in Disk Galaxies
Rafanelli P. Search for Interaction in a Spectroscopically Selected Sample of Seyfert Galaxies
Salvato M. Identification of faint companions of X-ray selected AGNs
Tappert C. A sistematic search for long-period cataclysmic variables
Temporin S. Long-slit spectroscopy of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Terranegra L. Studio dei diagnostici di attivita' in stelle di tipo solare dalla PMS alla ZAMS
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Tomov T. Hipparcos eclipsing binaries spectroscopic orbits
Treves A. Intensive polarimetric monitoring of selected Blazars
Vittone A. Study of variability and search for binary in FU Orionis stars
Zwitter T. Accurate stellar parameters from late-type hipparcos spectrscopic eclipsing binaries
Period 2000B (PI; Title)
Bettoni D. Survey cinematica di galassie spirale isolate
Bettoni D. Fotometria e redshifts delle galassie della survey iras profonda
Calvani M. Optical X-correlations in AGN: Toward the equivalent of an H-R diagram?
Cappellaro E. Understanding nearby supernovae
Carraro G. UBVRI photometry of doubtful galactic open cluster
Cremonese G. Light curves of the outer Jupiter satellites
Falomo R. A search for broad emission lines in BL LAC objects
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche, novae, ed altri oggetti relativi
Lazzarin M. Spettroscopic investigation of near earth objects
Munari U. Binarie interagenti (simbiotiche,cataclismiche,super-soft x-ray sources, propellers)
Munari U. Spettroscopia in alta risoluzione per la Phase A della missione GAIA dell'ESA
Neguerela L. Studio multifrequenza di un campione rappresentativo di stelle Be: Spettroscopia nel rosso
Pavlovski K. Chemical Evolution of Binary Stars
Rafanelli P. Search for Interaction in a Spectroscopically Selected Sample of Seyfert Galaxies
Sabbadin F. Tomography of selected planetary nebulae
Salvato M. Identification of faint companions of X-ray selected AGNs
Tappert C. A sistematic search for long-period cataclysmic variables
Temporin S. Long-slit spectroscopy of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Terranegra L. Studio dei diagnostici di attivita' in stelle di tipo solare dalla PMS alla ZAMS
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Tomov T. Hipparcos eclipsing binaries spectroscopic orbits
Uslenghi M. Performances evalution of a photon counting ICCD for spatial resolved fast photometry
Zwitter T. Gas and dust towards hot stars: spatial and time correlations
Period 2000A (PI; Title)
Bettoni D. Survey cinematica di galassie spirale isolate
Calvani M. Optical X-correlations in AGN: Toward the equivalent of an H-R diagram?
Cappellaro E. Understanding nearby supernovae
Iijima T. Spetroscopiche ad alta dispersione delle stelle simbiotiche, novae, ed altri oggetti relativi
Matute I. Fotometria e redshifts delle galassie della survey iras profonda
Munari U. Novae, stelle simbiotiche come SN la precursor, binarie cataclismiche
Pernechele C. Test
Piotto G. Esperienza di fotometria stellare per il corso di laboratorio di astronomia II
Salvato M. Galaxy interactions in an X-ray selected AGN sample
Tappert C. A sistematic search for long-period cataclysmic variables
Tomasella L. Internal Kinematics and spectroscopic binaries in Young Open Clusters and OB Associations
Tomov T. Hipparcos eclipsing binaries spectroscopic orbits