Technical reports
This is the list of the technical reports for Copernico 1.82m and Schmidt 67/92 telescopes and instrumentations. Where a downloadable version of the document is unavailable, a request for a paper copy can be made directly to the authors (updated manuals in red).
The Schmidt 67/92 Robotic Telescope - RoboSchmidt User Manual
L. Tomasella, E. Cappellaro, S. Benetti - 2022
The Ekar Schmidt 67/91 Telescope (remote mode) - User Manual (PDF version) ***OBSOLETE***
P. Ochner, L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, V. Chiomento, A. Frigo, G. Martorana, L. Traverso, M. Fiaschi - 2017 - Technical report n° 27
The 1.82m Copernico telescope - User Manual (PDF version )
L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, V. Chiomento, A. Frigo, G. Martorana, M. Rebeschini, L. Traverso, M. Fiaschi - 2017 - Technical report n° 26
AFOSC @ 1.82m Copernico Telescope - User Manual (PDF version)
L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, V. Chiomento, A. Frigo, G. Martorana, M. Rebeschini, L. Traverso - 2016 - Technical report n° 25
The Atlas comparison spectra for AFOSC (PDF version)
A simple method for reduction of Echelle spectra by IRAF (PDF version)
T. Iijima - 2010 - Technical report n° 24
Rewritable focal plane masks for MOS (PDF version)
A. Bianco, C. Bertarelli, E. Giro, E. Molinari - 2005 - Technical report n° 23
The Echelle E2V CCD47-10 CCD (PDF version)
H. Navasardyan, M. D'Alessandro, E. Giro - 2004 - Technical report n° 22
The AFOSC Tektronix TK1024 CCD testing procedures (PDF version)
H. Navasardyan - 2003 - Technical report n° 21
First tests with VPH grisms for AFOSC (PDF version)
E. Giro, C. Pernechele, S. Desidera, V. Chiomento, A. Frigo, L. Traverso, E. Molinari, P. Conconi, G. Crimi, A. Bianco - 2002 - Tech. rep. n°20
Characterisation of the 67/90 Schmidt Telescope CCD (PDF version)
R.U. Claudi, G. Pignata, D. Strazzabosco, G. Bonanno, M. Belluso, P. Bruno, A. Calì, R.Cosentino, M.C. Timpanaro, S. Scuderi - 2002 - Technical report n°19
AFOSC Polarimeter (PDF version)
E. Giro, C. Pernechele - 2001- Technical report n°18
Cima Ekar Meteo Data Handling and Distribution (PDF version)
D. Fantinel, E. Giro, R. Passuello - 2001- Technical report n°17
The AFOSC Control System (PDF version)
D. Fantinel, E. Giro - 2001- Technical report n°16
The CCD Camera Controller at the 182 cm (PDF version)
M. D'Alessandro, D. Fantinel, E. Giro - 2001- Technical report n°15
The new 150 ln/mm Cross-Disperser for the Echelle+CCD Spectrograph (PDF version)
U. Munari, T.V. Tomov, L. Tomasella- 1998 - Technical report n°14
First Results of the Ekar Observatory Meteorological Station (PDF version)
R.U. Claudi, D. Fantinel, E. Bozzato, L. Contri, G. Martorana - 1997 - Technical report n°13
The Astronomical Observatory of Asiago Archiving System (PDF version)
A.Baruffolo, R. Falomo, L. Contri - 1997 - Technical report n°12
Ekar Meteorological Station: Data Acquisition and Archiving (PDF version)
R.U. Claudi, D. Fantinel, E. Bozzato, L. Contri, G. Martorana - 1997 - Technical report n°11
Spectral Atlas 1.22 m telescope prism spectrograph Camera IV + CCD
B.F. Yudin, U. Munari, T. Zwitter- 1995 - Technical report n°10
Atlas for the Neon-Iron lamp 1.22 m telescope prism spectrograph Camera VI + CCD
T.V. Tomov, U. Munari - 1995 - Technical report n°9
The 182 cm Telescope B&C Spectrograph: Three useful Experimental Relationships (PDF version)
R.U. Claudi, L. Contri - 1995 Technical report n°8
Focus of the "Copernico" Telescope B&C Spectrograph
R.U. Claudi, D. Fantinel, L. Contri, A. Frigo - 1995 - Technical report n°7
The Setup Operation of the "Copernico" B&C Spectrograph
D. Fantinel, R.U. Claudi - 1995 - Technical report n°6
The new handling system of the "Copernico" Telescope
V. Chiomento, L. Traverso - 1994 - Technical report n°5
9500-3200 Å atlas for the Asiago Echelle + CCD spectrograph
U. Munari, T. Zwitter - 1994 - Technical report n°4
CCD Data Acquisition system for the "Copernico" Telescope (PDF version)
A. Baruffolo, M. D'Alessandro - 1993 - Technical report n°3
Manuale del nuovo sistema di acquisizione del telescopio Copernico
G. Cremonese, R.U. Claudi, D. Fantinel - 1993 - Technical report n°2
Atlas of the Fe-Ar lines for the B&C Spectrograph
R.U. Claudi, G. Cremonese - 1993 - Technical report n°1